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Prediction: Ireland: Pre-Action Protocols and measure to reduce the cost of health-related claims

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On 19 September 2024, the Minister for Health published the Report of the Interdepartmental Working Group on the Rising Cost of Health-Related Claims. The Report identifies six strategic priorities in achieving its objectives. One of these is the faster and more efficient resolution of claims. The Group recommends the implementation, without delay, of recommendations made in a number of previous reports, along with some additional recommendations advocating changes and improvements to the management of clinical negligence claims. These include: the introduction of a pre-action protocol with sanctions for a party who fails to adhere to the protocol; the facilitation of earlier mediation, where possible; amendments to case management Rules of Court, including the use of joint expert meetings (hot-tubbing); a dedicated court list, with judges in place with specialist knowledge of medical negligence litigation. This latest Report brings Pre-Action Protocols to the forefront once again in improving efficiencies and costs in relation to healthcare litigation.